The Dedman Foundation
1410 24th St
Fort Benton, MT
Please visit our FACEBOOK page for our up-to-date info
while our site is under revision:
Dedman Foundation of Fort Benton
What is a pet foster parent?
Pet foster parents provide a temporary home and care for an animal prior to adoption. Fostering an animal is a wonderful way to get involved and volunteer.
Taking animals into your home, loving them, caring for them, and then letting them go takes a special kind of person. The role of the foster parent is to prepare the animal for adoption into their fur-ever home!
From time to time we look for foster homes to help care for our special needs animals.
These animals might be...
Young kittens/puppies that are not old enough to be adopted and need care (like nursing/bottle feeding)
Animals recovering from surgery/illness
Long term shelter residents that need experience living in a real home
Animals that are a little shy and need to build confidence
Animals that are not doing well in a shelter environment but do well outside of it
Whatever the reason, the animals need a little extra love and care before they can be adopted. Providing foster care for a few days, weeks, or in some cases months can be a lifesaving gift for them.

How do I give fostering a try?
All you need to do is reach out to us!
If you have any questions regarding fostering, feel free to use the contact form below.
If you are ready to fill out an application, please click the button below. Completed applications can be dropped off at the shelter or emailed to us at